Career and Technical Education, widely referred to as “CTE”, is an emphasis of USD 348. CTE courses allow students to gain valuable knowledge and skills they will use after graduation whether they continue to college or move directly into their careers. The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) recognizes 37 career pathways within 16 career clusters.
Students interested in particular career pathways are offered courses at three different learning levels. Introduction Level courses are broadly focused and provide a first-look at many skills and careers within a cluster or pathway. Students in Technical Level classes build skills in focused courses, and most of our pathways have at least 3 offerings at this level. Application Level courses are focused on providing real-world experiences and training, and allow students to use the skills they’ve developed throughout their CTE classes.
Career Pathways
Digital Media

Career Cluster: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
Courses Offered: Business Essentials, Computer Applications (A/B); A/V Media Fundamentals, Computer Art I, Digital Photography I, Journalism Essentials, Journalism/Digital Media A, Journalism/Yearbook (A/B), Multimedia Productions I; Broadcast Media Leadership (A/B), Multimedia Productions II
For more information about the Digital Media CTE pathway, contact Mr. Harris or a school counselor.
Graphic Design

Career Cluster: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
Courses Offered: Computer Applications (A/B); Computer Art I, Digital Photography I, Drawing II, Journalism/Yearbook (A/B); AP Studio/2D/3D/Drawing (A/B), AP Studio Art/Commercial/Graphic Computer (A/B)
For more information about the Graphic Design CTE pathway, contact Ms. Weaver or a school counselor.
Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Career Cluster: Business Management and Administration
Courses Offered: Business Essentials; Accounting (A/B), Business Communication, Business, Economics, Business Law, Business Management, Culinary Essentials, Entreprenuership, Marketing (A/B), Consumer & Personal Finance, Web Page Design (A/B); Applied Business Development (A/B)
For more information about the Business Management and Entrepreneurship CTE pathway, contact Ms. Batman or a school counselor.
Business Finance

Career Cluster: Finance
Courses Offered: Business Essentials, Accounting (A/B), Consumer & Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Business Economics; Advanced Accounting (A/B), Workplace Experience
For more information about the Business Finance CTE pathway, contact Ms. Batman or a school counselor.
Construction and Design

Career Cluster: Architecture and Construction
Courses Offered: Exploration in Technology; Intro. to Drafting, Cabinetmaking I, II, Architectural Drafting (A/B); Cabinetmaking III, IV, Advanced Architectural Design
For more information about the Construction and Design CTE pathway, contact Mr. Harman or a school counselor.
Family, Community, and Consumer Services

Career Cluster: Human Services
Courses Offered: Career & Life Planning; Culinary Essentials, Nutrition & Wellness, Human Growth & Development, Consumer & Personal Finance, Family Studies; Career & Community Connections (A/B)
For more information about the Family, Community, and Consumer Services CTE pathway, contact Ms. Tannahill or a school counselor.

Career Cluster: Manufacturing
Courses Offered: Exploration in Technology, Welding I; Welding II, III; Welding IV, V
For more information about the Manufacturing CTE pathway, contact Mr. Harman or a school counselor.
Restaurant and Event Management

Career Cluster: Hospitality and Tourism
Courses Offered: Career & Life Planning; Business Essentials, Culinary Essentials, Culinary Arts I (A/B), Culinary Arts II, Entreprenuership, Marketing (A/B), Nutrition & Wellness; Career & Community Connections (A/B)
For more information about the Restaurant and Event Management CTE pathway, contact Ms. Tannahill or a school counselor.
Programming and Software Development

Career Cluster: Information Technology
Courses Offered: Computer Applications (A/B); Computer Programming (A/B), Web Page Design (A/B); AP Computer Science (A/B)
For more information about the Programming and Software Development CTE pathway, contact Mr. Wolf or a school counselor.

Career Cluster: Education and Training
Courses Offered: Career & Life Planning; Family Studies, Human Growth & Development, Teaching as a Career, Teaching Observation; Teaching Internship (A/B)
Industry/Professional Certification offered: Paraprofessional certification
For more information about the Teaching/Training CTE pathway, contact Mr. Brittingham or a school counselor.
Health Science

Career Cluster: Health Science
Courses Offered: Biology (A/B), Chemistry (A/B); AP Biology/College Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology (A/B), Medical Terminology, Nutrition & Wellness; CNA
Industry/Professional Certification offered: Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) certification
For more information about the Health Science CTE pathway, contact Mr. Medrano or a school counselor.

Career Cluster: Health Science
Courses Offered: Biology (A/B); AP Biology/College Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology (A/B); Workplace Experience
For more information about the Biomedical CTE pathway, contact Mr. Medrano or a school counselor.