Forms Athletic

Any student wishing to participate in an interscholastic athletic program must submit these four forms before beginning to practice.

Forms are available as a packet or individually below.

  Student Athlete Paperwork Packet 2024-2025 (1.3 MiB)

Preparticipation Physical Form

Each student participating in athletics is required to have a physical examination.  To be valid, the physical examination must take place after May 1 of the year proceeding the student’s participation.  It must be signed by the examining physician, student and parent to be valid.

  Physical Form 2024-2025 (1.3 MiB)

Treatment Release  Form

This form provides permission for medical personnel from LMH Health to provide medical treatment for your student in the event of an injury.

It also provides permission to share medical information with coaches, school administrators, and physicians as needed. 

  Treatment Release Form 2024-2025 (58.5 KiB)

Head Injury Information Form

Kansas Law requires that this form be filled out and signed each year.  It describes the signs and symptoms of concussions along with basic treatment and return-to-play guidelines.

  Head Injury Information 2024-2025 (245.6 KiB)

Acceptance of Risk

This form outlines the fact that injuries (ranging in severity) are a risk of participating in athletics.

  Acceptance of Risk 2024-2025 (79.3 KiB)

Sports Physicals tag